The United Republic of Tanzania
Qn1: Where can I find Forms i.e Contractor’s Registration Form, Project Registration Form?
-To get forms, go to Download then go to Forms and download it.
Qn2: Where can I find Contractors Registration Board(CRB) Office or Contacts Details?
-To locate CRB Office or Get Contacts Details go to Contacts Us Link , yuo can use map marker for locations to reach our offices including zonal offices
Qn3: what are the Registration Criteria?
-Go to Registration, then you can get information about registration criteria in the link named Registratration procedure
Qn4: Where can i get information of contractors?
-Go to Contractors, Then Enter either Company Name or Registration Number or keyword of the Company Name or registration number to Search.
Qn5: What are the procedures for granting dispensation?
-Go to Registration, then click on Granting Dispensations
Qn6: What are the procedures of Joint Venture?
-Go to Registration, then click on Registration Procedure then read Application for temporary registration - Joint Venture